Have You Heard?
SWOF Receives Support from Chevron Renewable Energy Group for Climate-Smart Agriculture Advancement
SWOF is proud to share progress from a pilot project with Chevron Renewable Energy Group. This collaboration represents a notable step, showcasing how biofuels can play an important role in supporting farmers as they adopt voluntary, regenerative agriculture practices. Learn more about the collaboration in the full release.
Recent Articles
SWOF Field Visits: Going the Extra Mile in MRV
Field visits are a crucial part of the MRV process at the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund (SWOF). Learn how our verification process ensures compliance and accuracy while supporting farmers in implementing conservation practices.
Talking to Your Landlord About Conservation Practices and SWOF
Learn how to engage your landlord in conservation practices that boost long-term land productivity. Discover tips for building a shared plan and the benefits of programs like the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund (SWOF).
12 Cover Crops to Boost Farm Productivity and Sustainability
Explore 12 cover crops being grown by SWOF farmers to enhance soil health and reduce erosion, while improving farm profitability and sustainability. Learn how these crops can benefit your operation.
The Economic Case for Minimal Tillage
Farmers are balancing a lot—from rising input costs and labor shortages to increasing weather variability. Minimizing tillage not only benefits the soil and the environment but also brings economic advantages that can contribute to a farm's profitability.
SWOF Referral Partner Spotlight: Central Wisconsin Ag Services
In each Tune Up Newsletter, we profile one team member, partner, or other SWOF affiliate to better understand their contribution to the program. In this edition, we’re spotlighting one of SWOF’s referral partners, Central Wisconsin Ag Services.
Building Trust: The Role of MRV in the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund
Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) helps ensure enrolled farmers are producing environmental outcomes that can be quantified and verified. This process not only builds trust with our funding partners but also provides valuable insights for our farmers as we collectively work to build economic and environmental sustainability in agriculture.
Measuring Impact: SWOF’s Role in Water Quality
Ensuring good water quality is essential for sustainable farming, environmental health, and food security. Learn about our water sampling process, conservation efforts, and the impact of reducing nitrogen and phosphorus runoff to protect ecosystems and support sustainable farming.
Water Wisdom: Best Practices for Efficient Water Management in Agriculture
Water is a critical resource, and managing it efficiently is essential to ensure sustainability and productivity in agriculture. Gain more confidence in managing this vital resource as we review the key principles of efficient irrigation practices, as well as the role conservation measures and soil health play in water management.
Understanding Additionality and Ten Ways to Achieve Positive Environmental Outcomes in Agriculture
The concept of additionality is frequently utilized to best measure the effectiveness of agricultural conservation initiatives and their environmental impact. The Soil and Water Outcomes Fund considers additionality on a field-by-field basis to help farmers both begin and expand their efforts.
Strategies to Reduce Tillage Intensity on Your Farm
One critical aspect of regenerative farming is the management of tillage. While essential for weed control and soil preparation, tillage can have adverse effects on soil structure and water retention. Delve into the strategies for reducing tillage intensity on your farm, promoting long-term soil health and productivity.
SWOF Partner Spotlight: Five Questions with Bartlett’s Vaughn Duitsman
In each Tune Up Newsletter, we profile one team member, partner, or other SWOF affiliate to better understand their contribution to the program. In this edition, we’re spotlighting Vaughn Duitsman, Director of Sustainability at Bartlett.
Dirt Matters: Understanding and Enhancing Soil Microbial Diversity
Throughout our diverse agricultural landscapes, soil health is fundamental for productivity and sustainability. Beneath the surface, a variety of organisms, from microbes to fungi, collaborate to nourish and structure the soil. Learn key aspects of the pivotal role microbial diversity plays in fostering resilient agricultural ecosystems.
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Press Releases
Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Receives Support from Chevron Renewable Energy Group for Climate-Smart Agriculture Advancement
(December 17, 2024)
Indiana Farmers Gain New Resources Through Purdue Extension and SWOF Partnership
(December 10, 2024)
McCormick Joins PepsiCo to Help Advance Climate-Smart Agriculture with the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund
(November 19, 2024)
Mars partners to support regenerative agriculture transition across its North American pet food supply chain
(October 15, 2024)
New Agriculture Finance Sustainability Coalition partners with multi-billion dollar awardee of the EPA’s National Clean Investment Fund
(April 4, 2024)
Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Launches Fifth Year of Farmer Enrollment, Expands Agricultural Sustainability Efforts to 28 States
(March 7, 2024)
Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Surpasses 300,000 Enrolled Acres, Pays Farmers $10.5 Million in 2023
(February 16, 2024)
PepsiCo and Walmart to Support Regenerative Agriculture Transformation through Soil and Water Outcomes Fund®
(August 15, 2023)New York Outcomes Fund Pilot Incentivizes Farmers to Implement Regenerative Agriculture Practices
(February 3, 2023)Two Projects Involving the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund to Receive Funding Through USDA
(September 14, 2022)EPA Recognizes 49 Water Infrastructure Projects for Excellence and Innovation (February 16, 2022)
Also see 2021 CWSRF George F. Ames PISCES Recognition Program Compendium (PDF)Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Produces More Than Tenfold Increase in Environmental Outcomes in 2021
(December 9, 2021)Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Project Plans to Scale Up in Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri
(October 8, 2021)Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Partners with Nutrien Ag Solutions to Launch Carbon and Water Quality Outcome Program(February 9, 2021)
Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship Announces Groundbreaking Water Quality Outcomes Incentives
(January 5, 2021)